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Little Machines, maker of Outlook2Mac, the #1-bestselling software for migrating Outlook data to a Mac

Help with O2M


Before You Begin
Installing O2M
Using O2M
Importing into Your Mac

How to Uninstall O2M

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Welcome to Little Machines Help! If you're just getting started with O2M, we recommend you start by reading Before You Begin.

If you already know your way around O2M, and have a specific question, try Frequently Asked Questions.


Before You Begin
Thanks for choosing O2M—the fastest way to move Outlook email, contacts, and calendar items from a PC to OS X!

Before you start, double check that you have:

1.The O2M installation program, which you can download from Little Machines

2.Your O2M serial number, if you bought O2M. If you don't have a serial number yet, don't worry—O2M will run in trial mode by default, allowing you to try out all of its features before you buy. If you'd like to use O2M without restrictions, you can buy a serial number here.

3.Your Windows PC running Outlook where you'll using O2M to export the contents of Outlook into files that can be imported into your OS X programs on your Mac.

4.Your OS X Mac where you'll import your exported Outlook files into programs like Apple Mail, Address Book, iCalendar, Entourage, or others.

5.A reliable way of copying your exported Outlook data files from your PC to your Mac. You could use a USB drive, a DVD or CD-ROM, a network, or even the Internet—the method you choose depends on how much data you're moving, and what technologies are available to you.


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